April: Opening New Doors

September 15, 2022 Update: We are thrilled to share that due to the success and growth of the Peer Advisory Group, we decided to split it away from D&Co. Dalziel & Company will remain a resource for premium consultation and growth. Looking for more Peer Advisory Group content? Check it out over here.

I can’t believe that we are into the month of April already! Where has the time gone? Did you know that the word ‘April’ is derived from the Latin word aperit, which means ‘to open’. This month we will focus on ways to open yourself up and build up your confidence -- all setting the stage for new opportunities to unfold (goodbye, imposter syndrome!).

Stay tuned for more posts throughout the month about ways to build up your confidence and open yourself up to new opportunities.

Peer Advisory Group Guest Speaker Announcement

If you haven’t joined the Peer Advisory Group yet, you have absolutely nothing to lose and over 45 global friends and professional contacts to gain! Every month we host a call open to all members. We also began incorporating micro-workshops at the start of each call and ending with open discussion.

Anna Medaris Miller, senior health reporter at Insider

Anna Medaris Miller, senior health reporter at Insider

This month, we are so lucky to have a guest from the New York Writing Room join us. Do you want to get your brand or business noticed by a national media outlet? New York Writing Room coach Anna Medaris Miller, a senior health reporter at Insider, will share how to effectively pitch your story to the media.

Not in the Peer Advisory Group yet?
It’s free to join!

What is the New York Writing Room?

The New York Writing Room is the first virtual chapter of the Detroit Writing Room, founded by Stephanie Steinberg. The Detroit Writing Room is an inspirational event and writing space in downtown Detroit for writers, entrepreneurs and business professionals.

Stephanie Steinberg, owner of Detroit Writing Room

Stephanie Steinberg, owner of Detroit Writing Room